Depictions of the end of communism intermingle with character studies of anxious men on an uneven day at the documentary festival DOK Leipzig.
DOK Leipzig Day Two: It Is Enough

Exploring the Outer Edge of Film
The first independent film festival in East Germany, DOK Leipzig is dedicated to documentaries and animated films.
Depictions of the end of communism intermingle with character studies of anxious men on an uneven day at the documentary festival DOK Leipzig.
From feminine rage to mysterious dancing to intimate animal representation to deconstructing a famous image, DOK Leipzig splits the body apart.
Marie-Magdalena Kochová’s debut feature acutely captures the Glass Children phenomenon: being overshadowed by your sibling with more complex needs.
A slyly inventive reflection of owning the most generic name in the United Kingdom, Being John Smith finds a novel way to tackle the big questions.
A quarter-life crisis meets political critique in Valentina and the MUOSters, depicting the life of one woman living under an American radio base.
Flowers of Ukraine is a touching tribute to individual resistance that acts as a metaphor for an entire country under Russian aggression.