The Party’s Over casts prejudice as farce in this sharply-written tale of a wealthy Spanish lady reacting to a Senegalese immigrant in her midst. From TIFF.
The Party’s Over. But Prejudice Never Ends.

Exploring the Outer Edge of Film
The Toronto International Film Festival, the biggest film festival in Northern America, is a crucial launching pad for Awards Season in the West.
The Party’s Over casts prejudice as farce in this sharply-written tale of a wealthy Spanish lady reacting to a Senegalese immigrant in her midst. From TIFF.
Days of Happiness may offer the antidote to Tár’s toxicity, but it lacks the passion needed to make for a masterful conductor character study.
The American West seems as expansive and inclusive as ever in Luke Gilford’s queer Western romance National Anthem — live from TIFF.