Write For Us

We’re always looking for jaded voices to write articles for us. Sadly. as this is a purely cynical exercise created with the sole intention of making as much money as possible, we will regrettably pay you for your efforts.

Likes: Eastern European films, obscure movies with famous faces, A-list actors in B-list action movies, festival efforts, female filmmakers, sexy people, 35mm, humanist cinema, low-key vibes, good films, polemics.

Dislikes: Overhyped British cinema, prestige horror, TV, Netflix Originals, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Twitter discourse, cheap American politics.


Pitches are closed until the end of the year. Emails will be ignored.

Current flat rate: 8 cents (Euros) a word.

Currency: Euros, pounds or dollars.

Language: British English. Sorry, y’all.

Payment method: PayPal is preferred, but bank transfer possible.

AI/Plagiarism: Not tolerated whatsoever, will instantly void any contract or deal.

Email: [email protected]

Pitch Guidelines: Send a little bio, previous festival coverage (if any), and what you’d like to tackle.

Note: The budget is relatively low, so will probably only commission 3-4 articles a month. We also reserve the right not to run an article if it doesn’t meet our standards. Kill fee is 25% of the initial commission.