The Party’s Over casts prejudice as farce in this sharply-written tale of a wealthy Spanish lady reacting to a Senegalese immigrant in her midst. From TIFF.
The Party’s Over. But Prejudice Never Ends.

Exploring the Outer Edge of Film
The Party’s Over casts prejudice as farce in this sharply-written tale of a wealthy Spanish lady reacting to a Senegalese immigrant in her midst. From TIFF.
Days of Happiness may offer the antidote to Tár’s toxicity, but it lacks the passion needed to make for a masterful conductor character study.
The American West seems as expansive and inclusive as ever in Luke Gilford’s queer Western romance National Anthem — live from TIFF.
Taking stock of all the excellent films that have played at festivals in 2023 that you most probably haven’t heard of yet. From Cannes, Berlinale, and more.
Both tasty cured pork fat, generous, curious documentaries and a moment of pure cinema magic, made for a good day at Translyvania International Film Festival.
The food in Translyvania has been uniformly excellent. The films at TIFF, spanning Austria, Greece and Nicaragua, have yet to match its quality.
I spent all day travelling to Romania — but somehow my first day at Transylvania International Film Festival turned out to be all about Nord-Rhein-Westphalia.